Please send us your prayer intentions to participate in the creation of this work.

"The Relic of the Communion of Saints"

1438 S Vaughn Cir

Aurora, CO 80012

Communion of Saints

Communion of Saints

Friday, June 4, 2010

Ora et Labora: Day 5


Today while I was casting beads I was compelled to re-measure one (since its size being “about a decimeter” didn’t strike much resonance with me). As it turns out each bead is approximately 4.5 inches long. Upon crunching some numbers I realized that the length of a decade, including the “Our Father” bead is going to be about 6 feet. That means the length of the entire loop will be somewhere around 30 feet! Considering I am planning on having “The Relic of the Communion of Saints” hanging on, and subsequently cascading off of, the wall; that halves the display height I’ll need, but I’m still looking at a solid 15 feet. And just imagine, it was once upon a time that I thought to myself “Hm, maybe I should make these beads bigger.”

Two wonderful bits of news today:

First of all, we stopped by Fr. Woody’s Haven of Hope (a day shelter that offers meals, showers, laundry, haircuts etc. to the homeless) to see some old friends and show off Charlotte. While we were there my wife suggested that I ask the director if we could set up a drop box for inscribed prayers at the Haven to which the director gladly agreed. I need to fabricate a box with a short description of the piece and get some golf pencils but I am so excited about this new prospect. Not only will it garner new prayer intentions but I am tapping into a population that I hadn’t previously considered and one that I am so eager to have contribute to this work. “Blessed are the meek…”

The other good news is that there are already fruits from our prayers for one of the intentions sent in. Just yesterday I recieved Sheila’s prayers and now, her husband Steve has been blessed with a new job! Praise God and may we always trust in His providence.

Speaking of prayer, today’s reflections on the Catechism, “The Way of Prayer”:
- The divine name may not be spoken by human lips, but by assuming our humanity The Word of God hands it over to us and we can invoke it: "Jesus," "YHWH saves." His name is the only one that contains the presence it signifies
- Jesus, the only mediator, is the way of our prayer; Mary, his mother and ours, is wholly transparent to him: she "shows the way" (hodigitria), and is herself "the Sign" of the way, according to the traditional iconography of East and West.

The fact that the name of Jesus is a prayer, in fact the most complete prayer we can muster at any given moment is so fascinating. What a powerful gift we have with such a direct line to the heart of God that we no longer need to beg for God’s attention as the prayer in Psalm5, “Give ear, O Lord, to my words, understand my cry" once did. In Jesus we can be certain that God is attentive to our needs and understands, in both a mortal and a supernatural way, the yearning of our heart.

Tonight, enjoy the graces of the Sorrowful Mysteries.

Today’s Prayer Intentions:
- "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us sinners."
- For mercy and freedom for all of those with sexual addictions
- For the return of Jerry to the sacraments
- For blessings on the poor
- For an increase in love for the poor
- For blessings on Fr. Woody’s Haven of Hope, all of its guests and benefactors
- In thanksgiving for Steve’s job
- For Peace: in our hearts and in our world
- For the past, present and future intentions and salvation of all those who participate in prayer or proximity to “The Relic of the Communion of Saints”


  1. hmmm... we'd better think about assembling this rosary somewhere other than the basement... It sounds like it's going to be pretty heavy!

  2. Since it's likely to be so monsterous I expect that I will assemble it in such a way that it can be broken down into more managle pieces. As of yet I'm not sure precisely what thats going to turn out to be though.
