Please send us your prayer intentions to participate in the creation of this work.

"The Relic of the Communion of Saints"

1438 S Vaughn Cir

Aurora, CO 80012

Communion of Saints

Communion of Saints

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Ora et Labora: Day 2


Short of bringing down the kiln (which can wait since I still need to run a 220 for it anyway) the studio is finished. I even was able to put up some art to spice up the place, go figure huh?

Sadly that was about the extent of my physical efforts today. I only poured and pulled one more bead today. Not making huge progress but at least I’m keeping that mold nice and dry so when I am ready to get down to business I won’t have anything to slow me down.

Nevertheless, I felt that it was a pretty productive day and that was thanks primarily to the opportunity to meet with a friend to discuss a few things regarding the work. Since he is a cannon lawyer he had some wonderful things to say regarding particular ways that I should talk about the piece itself. He also suggested to me that since I am so interested in the creation, veneration, recognition of relics that I should ask the members of the Church that have the authority to decide all of those matters: the Congregation for Causes. I am hoping to set some time aside tomorrow to write a letter asking some general questions and depending on the response time maybe get more in depth regarding this particular work.

He also touched on something that I have been thinking about recently, notably the fact that when the object I am making is blessed it will become something entirely new and unique and will no longer be something I created but rather something God creates through His priest. My friend felt it was very poetic that a baptized (and confirmed) layman would be the one using the gifts granted him by the Holy Spirit to create the initial object (moreover, out of clay) since we are called to labor “by the sweat of our brow” and then when the Bishop (no, I still haven’t asked him yet) blesses it he uses his unique gifts of the Holy Spirit through the sacrament of orders to set it aside and as a holy thing.

I continued my study of the Catechism, this time having read Part4, Section1, Chapter1, Article2 “In the Fullness of Time” and have the following things to share:

- Approach the holy Lord Jesus as Moses approached the burning bush: first to contemplate him in prayer, then to hear how he teaches us to pray, in order to know how he hears our prayer.
- His words and works are the visible manifestation of his prayer in secret
- Father, into your hands I commit my spirit!"All the troubles, for all time, of humanity enslaved by sin and death, all the petitions and intercessions of salvation history are summed up in this cry of the incarnate Word.
- Only by keeping watch in prayer can one avoid falling into temptation
- "Hitherto you have asked nothing in my name; ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full."

In reflection on today’s recitation of Psalm 2 I was struck in particular by, “Embrace discipline, lest at any time the Lord be angry, and you perish from the just way.” I find myself often begging God that I may not perish but may instead become a great saint, but discipline? Well, lets just say the laboring, fasting and praying that I am undertaking isn’t as easy as I thought it would be, and I didn’t think it would be easy. Suffice it to say, please keep praying for me and the success of this piece (the ultimate success obviously being that everyone who participates in it (HINT, HINT) will become a saint themselves.)

Finally, today, enjoy the graces of the Sorrowful Mysteries of the rosary.

Today’s prayer intentions:
- For blessings on all married people especially S and S that they may reconcile and become saints through living out their vocation as husband, wife, father and mother.
- In thanksgiving for beauty
- Healing of Melissa’s hernia and for the safety of her preborn child
- For the past, present and future intentions and salvation of all those who participate in prayer or proximity to “The Relic of the Communion of Saints”

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