Please send us your prayer intentions to participate in the creation of this work.

"The Relic of the Communion of Saints"

1438 S Vaughn Cir

Aurora, CO 80012

Communion of Saints

Communion of Saints

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Ora et Labora: Day 46


This past week I have had a profound absence of inscribed prayer intentions so I figured it was time to be a bit more pro-active about the whole thing. So I decided to finally get around to writing letters to pastors to get permission to put prayer collection boxes in the entrance way of their parishes. In addition I have also created the, soon to be famous, “Relic of the Communion of Saints” pamphlet!

I’ll be including these with my letters to pastors as well as leaving a stack of them with each prayer box. If there is anyone that you think would be interested in this project please either ask them to email me their address to or email me yourself and I will send you the files to print your very own pamphlets.

Today’s prayer intentions:
- For an end to contraception
- Blessings of children for those couples who have none
- In thanksgiving for our family
- The repose of the soul of Shirley
- For the salvation and sanctification of all souls
- For the past, present and future intentions and salvation of all those who participate in prayer or proximity to “The Relic of the Communion of Saints”

Friday, July 2, 2010

Ora et Labora: Day 33


Now that my family is back home (praise God) I once again have access to the camera and will spare you the typically verbose blog entry for a feast for the eyes.

On a quick note however, I have successfully filled a shelf with finished (well…greenware) beads. Sure, it’s a completely arbitrary goal but in the very least it looks impressive, and gives me a well needed shot in the arm to keep trudging along.

But the biggest news of all is that I have received word back from the auxiliary Bishop:

Dear Joseph,

Thank you for your letter. Your art project sounds very interesting and worthwhile. I would be happy to support you in this work in any way that I can. I would be happy to bless the project in November/December.
My prayer intention would be: "for an end to abortion"
May the Lord bless your good work.

In Christ,
Most Reverend James D. Conley, S.T.L.
Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Denver

Praise God! I am so excited that he is giving both his proverbial, and God’s actual blessing to this work. We truly are blessed to have such wonderful Bishops here in Denver.

As far as prayer intentions are concerned, there has been a bit of a decrease in the frequency of receiving intentions. This seems to be mostly due to the fact that the people who know about “The Relic of the Communion of Saints” are those who have already contributed. Please continue to spread the word, I am eager to received inscribed intentions not only because of their use for this work, but because the more I have been praying for the intentions of others that have come in, the more compelled to continue to pray I have become.

While the flow is slow I have received some wonderful inscribed prayers recently. Many of the prayers I have received recently have been manifest in the form of prayer cards, which I think is very interesting. Artistically there comes to mind the juxtaposition of mass produced objects as means of creating unique handmade objects. Spiritually, in many ways prayer cards are of the same order of object as the one that I am seeking to create in that they both carry images as well as prayers in an inseparable whole as a unified act of prayer.

On similar note to the prayer cards that are being added to the collection of prayers that will be incinerated in the beads of “The Relic of the Communion of Saints” I have decided that it is only fitting that I also include any broken sacramentals that I have so that they may become a “holocaust to the Lord” and in the hopes that some part of their sacred nature may be transferred into what will soon (thanks to the willingness of Bishop Conley) become a sacramental as well.

I’ve also received quite a few printouts of traditional prayers. Some I’ve seen before, some are new to me. One that struck me recently was a copy of the famous prayer of St. Gertrude. When I received this inscribed prayer I couldn’t help but to think of my little sister whom I have the honor being her confirmation sponsor and of having her be our daughter’s godmother. The prayer of St. Gertrude famously is said to have been promised by God to release 1,000 souls from purgatory every time it is devoutly prayed. The point of contention lies in whether or not this was a public or a private revelation to St. Gertrude. In response to this quandary my sister responded simply by saying, “No problem, I’ll just ask St. Gertrude to pray with me every time I pray it.” Talk about a beautiful example of the workings among the Communion of Saints!

While I have received several interesting inscribed prayer requests I still find a wonderful honesty and beauty in simple prayers scrawled on scraps of paper. To help facilitate this when I have conversations with people about this work I have made a little book to keep on hand so that none can ever have the excuse that they don’t have anything to write their prayers on for me. Besides the utility of the book I find it very humbling to be carrying around an object that is full of the deepest hopes and yearnings of others. What a beautiful thing…

Unquestionably the most interesting and gratifying inscribed prayers I have received to date came in the mail the other day from Chicago.

I am honored to have received these amazing images illustrated by a man who inspires me both as an artist and as a Catholic: Daniel Mitsui. Upon each of the images, physical remnants of the visual prayer life that he has, are quiet, peaceful and beautiful prayer requests. As for the bishop holding the robot head? I have no idea what it is either, but to say that its fascinating is a terrible understatement. Please check out his blog as it is a wealth of Truth and Beauty, and even more importantly please seek out his talent and commission him to make you some beautiful prayerful images of your very own:

I thank everyone who has, and continues to contribute to “The Relic of the Communion of Saints” in their support, inscribed prayers and for the prayers they make to God on my behalf. Please continue to help me create this work so that it may be a pleasing sacrifice to our Father.

Today’s Prayer Intentions:

- A job for Chris
- Healing for Judy, thanks be to God
- Heal John’s heart and leg. Thank you, Jesus
- For the release of the souls in Purgatory and for blessings on those who have no one to pray for them
- For all of those whose children have died before they were born, that the children may be shown great mercy and that their families may be given peace and joy.
- For health and safety for Melissa and her daughter
- Safety for all those who travel and in thanksgiving for safe travels for Britt and Charlotte
- St. Christopher, pray for us.
- For all soldiers who fight for justice that they may be protected from all physical and spiritual harm
- That all soldiers may have access to the sacraments and that they may receive them, specially reconciliation and the Eucharist
- For all of our enemies, that they may repent and become great saints through the Love and Mercy of Jesus
- For conversions, especially of my family, friends and enemies.
- For Daniel’s son, that surgery may be avoided and if it be unavoidable that it be successful
- In thanksgiving for all priests and for blessings upon them, especially for those who are struggling.
- “For my wife, that she may give birth to our children naturally and safely"
- “For my husband, that he will continue to be a good husband, father, and provider”
- May the font of Mercy that flows from our Lord’s wounded and sacred heart cleanse and refresh us
- For the canonization of Fr. McGivney
- For blessings on the Knights of Columbus, that they may manifest the virtues of unity, charity, fraternity and patriotism at all times in their lives.
- Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter
- May the Most Sacred heart of Jesus be adored and loved in all tabernacles until the end of time.
- Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love you very much, I beg you to spare the life and soul of the spiritually adopted baby whom I have spiritually adopted, who is in danger of an abortion.
- St. Jude, pray for us.
- St. Joan of Arc, pray for us
- St. Benedict, pray for us.
- St. Faustina, pray for us.
- For an end to abortion and mercy upon those who have been directly or indirectly affected by it.
- Oh Mary, pray for us who have recourse to thee, and those who do not have recourse to thee, especially those enemies of Holy Mother Church
- Eternal Father, I offer you the most precious blood of thy divine son Jesus, in union with the Masses said throughout the world today, for all the holy souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, those in my home and within my family. Amen.
- St. Gertrude, pray for us.
- Breathe in my, act in me, strengthen me; Holy Spirit.
- Our Lady of Victory, pray for us.
- That no soul may perish, but that all may be made great saints through the love and mercy of Jesus.
- Our Lady of Mount Carmel, pray for us.
- For the past, present and future intentions and salvation of all those who participate in prayer or proximity to “The Relic of the Communion of Saints
